Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Discus Fish Care - What breeders need to know about discus care?

Breeding exotic fish can be an interesting activity and it is also a hobby for many people around the world. Whoever breeds exotic fish needs special information on discus care, since discus fish are generally considered very sensitive creatures. The major focus of discus care should be on creating the most proper living environment in a well proportionate water tank. Discus fish love deep water, so make sure the aquarium you are going to use is proper for the discus group you want to colonize. Normally discus care does not involve any out of common issues; all the breeder needs is to preserve the correct water parameters necessary for healthy living conditions. Otherwise, there shouldn't be any problems.

Take for example an important element in discus care is the weekly water change; however, since the discus don't like changes, only 25% of the tank volume should be freshened. Likewise, for special discus care try to use a filter that eliminates the heavy metals and the chlorine without altering the water pH. Keep in mind that a larger water volume is easier to preserve stable as compared to a small tank for instance; therefore, discus care should include this aspect too. When you feed the fish on beef-heart make sure that you clean all the leftovers as these will contaminate the water.

On the other hand where you have a separate tank with fry, special discus care is required here. The reasons are simple, you feed them more and the water quality lowers, therefore in the case of baby discus you need to change at least 30% of the water in the tank three times a week. Through discus care, uneaten food and waste are eliminated, In other words the more simple you keep the aquarium the higher the water quality. If you use lots of plants and decorations, there will be more discus care issues since they collect lots of dirt underneath. Likewise, avoid using them in baby discus or breeding tanks.

Special attention should be paid to situations that involved increased discus care measures. I'm talking about the breeding period or in case there is some kind of disease that is affecting your fish.

Discus Fish Care